EMV Authorization Host

EMV Authorization Host | OMA Emirates
Our EMV Authorization Host determines whether a transaction is accepted, rejected or referred to a card authorization organization by card issuers such as VISA, MasterCard, JCB etc. The approval process is based on account number validation in combination with an expiration date or authorization schemes such as hot card to ensure the cardholder’s account is activated and that the card has passed various security checks and is activated when sales transactions are made on POS devices. The system can be configured to a variety of interfaces, ATM terminals, POS devices, Host systems, credit card networks and switch networks using customized authorization settings to determine the relevant authorization issuer and monitors card usage by product type, volume, time , location and usage limits if applicable.
When in stand-in mode, the host authorizes transactions on behalf of temporarily unavailable issuing associations by reviewing the preloaded cardholder file (hot card list provided by a web-based interface) , determining any specified limitations and performing transaction data checks to approve or decline the transaction based on preset specifications from acquiring customers the system also can send batch-posting files regularly for reference even when temporarily offline and provides users with a web-based interface to monitor all transactions, denied authorizations, approval association responses ,hot card and limitation details as well as providing users with analytical and exceptional reports.
The User-friendly interface allows users to configure the system and create multiple accounts with customizable access rights. The system also provides a secondary backup host and disk mirroring for database backup to minimize downtime and associated consequences.
The host supports TCP/IP and X.25 for low level data communication protocols and VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, and Diners for authorization association communication. Additional modules may be integrated on request based on acquiring bank specifications.
- Certified For EMV Acquiring
- Supports all card formats
- User-Friendly graphical interface
- PIN validation
- PIN-Pad management system incorporated featuring encryption key exchange
- Advance UI Security features
- Multiple ISO 8583 incoming and outgoing message formats
- Message directed to customized card groups
- Streamlined configuration process
- Multi Currency and language enabled
- Configurable to multiple banks